rhi's benchmarking database of performance metrics is derived from actual project performance information.

This allows us to compare detailed elements of project costs, man-hours and schedules with industry norms.

Our benchmarking process is used to provide clients with project cost and schedule assurance and can be applied at each stage gate throughout the project life cycle.


rhiDATA is an extensive in-house database and system containing historical and current global data on pricing, manhours and quantities.


  • Database populated with recent and relevant project data
  • Useful reference tool for quick response to client enquiries
  • Source of benchmarking and modelling data
  • Client assurance that project estimates represent market consistency

How can rhi support a project during the early Concept, Pre-FEED, & FEED stages?

rhi provides independent estimating to support the early project stages. Our estimating and benchmarking approach, coupled with our in-depth reference data, are actively managed in-house to support changing market conditions and differing geographical locations.  Provision of a robust estimate basis to support critical project stages, in particular project sanction.

How do I know my project cost is competitive with similar projects?

Our vast experience with clients around the global means access to current and historic project data that provides benchmarking insight and assurance. As a client, you will be informed on value and efficiency relative to similar projects, supported by a range of the most relevant benchmarking charts. allowing you to make informed decisions.

How do I ensure that my EPC cost estimates are reasonable, reflect the scope of work and are a sound basis for FID approval?

rhi has over 30 years’ experience with estimating the costs, quantities and manhours of complex oil and gas projects around the world. Our in-house estimating tools enable our estimators to prepare Classes 1-5 estimates covering onshore, offshore, subsea, drilling and wells activity sets. This allows us to develop check estimates and comparative analyses of study contractors and EPC contractor estimates.  Project teams can have increased confidence that study / EPC estimates are robust, reflect the likely outturn scope, indicate regional political requirements and sector market trends.

How do I achieve best value in the current market?

We can help establish the optimum supply chain strategy to deliver:

  • Competitive Price – Input to Selection of Appropriate Contract Strategy; Ensuring well defined scope for Tenderers; Effective Tendering Process; Mechanism to Manage Change; Benchmarking.
  • Robust Schedule – Facilitating Early Award; Input to Appropriate Contract Strategy; Market Analysis of Yard Capacity; Benchmarking.
  • Quality – Input to Contractor Selection; Input to Appropriate Contract Strategy.

With rhi, you will have increased confidence in your decision to award contracts to the best value contractors and vendors.